Tuesday, January 20, 2009

These arent exactly portrait-quality

One bit of good news for Watchmen, the Warner Brother superhero movie whose future has been clouded by a lawsuit from 20th Century Fox The judge thinks it is hot. Now, these arent exactly portrait-quality, but slowly and surely, Sunday Rose Urban is revealing herself to the paparazzi. A photographer who called 911 to report Heather Locklear allegedly driving erratically runs a paparazzi agency and profited from images she took of the actresss subsequent arrest, the womans attorney said. He, along with former Blink 182 star Travis Barker were the only passengers (out of six) to survive, escaping with burns. Taken, which stars Liam Neeson as a former CIA agent travels through Europe to find his kidnapped daughter, was held down in the number two spot and the top two movies were the only films that broke the 1 million barrier this weekend. The concert, held on Thursday night, had a play list of all the Beatles favourites, which included songs like Yesterday, Hey Jude, Eleanor Rigby and Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club band.

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